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Gunner’s new way to go…..

Gunner settled in and made himself at Home!

For his first day back, he did very well and he had a pretty good night. He made a few extra trips out but I think he was more showing off than tending to business. He had to check everything out and make sure it was still there. He was so excited to be back home!

He ate well and enjoyed the extra attention. The meds seemed to slow him down some. Bedtime came early and he slept very well ( lucky for me, I was ready). I checked on him a few times during the night and he was OUT, comfy and snoring like old times!

This morning he was up and at em! Ready to get right out. He moved very well and didn’t seem to have any trouble. His balance actually seems better than before. Almost like he had been compensating for the bad leg and now he is free of the burden. Maybe it’s me, maybe I’m thinking too much about it. He seems to be ok with it, even relieved of the pain. He’s getting around so well, I really can’t believe it. He was more clumsy before actually. He seems “free-er” to go about his business and pain free, even. Might be the meds, huh!? He is a little loopy!

Well, I feel better than I thought I would. I didn’t know what to expect. I was worried about him adjusting and wondered if he would be able to cope with the loss. There really isn’t any choice, is there? It is what it is. He is going to go on, and he’s showing me that no matter what. Not much is going to slow Gunner down. He has really impressed me.

 The biggest concern I see so far is scratching at the incision with his hind leg. That may become a problem. I’m watching him and trying to keep him busy but he’s aware that it’s there. He has a shirt on to cover it but it still worries me. He has staples. Maybe I’ll put a sock on his foot, he wont like that much! We’ll see.

Over all, I’m shocked. Pleasantly, tho. He’s a tuff guy.  Day by day,  but our first day was A-OK! Let’s see how today goes………..





Published in: Uncategorized on April 4, 2011 at8:03 am Comments (10)

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  1. on April 4, 2011 at 11:48 amkellyr2011 Said:

    Congrats On Gunner’s progress. I know it’s a relief to see them doing so well. I know my Maddie was on the same track. She just seemed to be great without the leg. Even better without it. It hasn’t slowed her down at all. I imagine what you’ve said is correct. He’s relieved of pain and the weight of that bad leg slowing him down.
    We like to celebrate all the success, no matter how small around here! So pictures and video if possible would be great! 🙂

    So happy for you both.
    Maddie and Momma Kely


    • on April 4, 2011 at 2:09 pmgunner Said:

      Awww, we’re happy for your Maddie, too! I’m almost afraid to say Gunner is doing well for fear things will take a turn. For now we’ll keep our paws crossed and hope for continued success!


  2. on April 4, 2011 at 11:56 amriosmom Said:

    Glad to hear that Mr. Gunner is doing so well. He will be a continual source of amazement and inspiration to you as he settles in and adjusts to his new way of life.

    Way to rock it as a tripawd, Gunner!

    Rio and Rio’s Mom


  3. on April 4, 2011 at 2:10 pmgunner Said:

    He is amazing me now! If anything he’s a bit too active for his own good!! Wonder if he’ll be so tuff when the meds run out?


  4. on April 4, 2011 at 4:20 pmMaddie Mae Said:

    Sure he’ll be great! The chronic pain is gone, and now just the pain from the surgery is lingering, but will be less and less everyday. What is he on for pain?

    Maddie took about a week before she want to sit on it, and about 12 day’s before she would lay on that side, so it was tender, but she was off pain meds in a week.
    Her story is very similar to Gunners. She’s a rescue who had crappy owners. So when she was hit by a car and her leg was horribly broken in 2 places up on the femur, and they never took her to the vet. When we rescued her, she had heartworms, and a very bad leg.
    Now she’s pain free.
    Gunner will do great!!! You have done him such a favor removing that painfull bum leg.


    • on April 4, 2011 at 5:40 pmgunner Said:

      He sure seems to handle it pretty well. He’s on gabapentin for the pain. It appears to work very well for him. He’s in good spirits and doesn’t hesitate to get up and romp around.
      Sounds like he & Maddie had similar starts in life, how sad. But look at them now! They found “US”! I imagine they appreciate us so much for finally helping them and loving them enough to get help.


  5. on April 4, 2011 at 9:29 pmrenee7979 Said:

    That’s great to hear. Dozer is 1 week post amputation. He is going like gang busters too, but still a little restless at night. i think his dad lets him sleep too much during the day so he doesn’t lick his incision on his hip. I was the one in shock as we had not planned to go that route, but like gunner and maddie he seems relieved to be free of pain and the bad leg/hip. Dozer also found us and we are blessed for it. keep updates posted.


    • on April 5, 2011 at 8:15 amgunner Said:

      Awww, their surgeries are all very close in time. They can all heal together!
      Gunner was a little stiff when he got up this morning. He let out a couple of whines as he stood up to head out. Everything must be tightening up. Bet those staples pull on his skin. Next week we’ll go have them taken out.
      It snowed a couple inches last night and I was worried about the deck being slippery. Gunner did fine but I was a wreck! Haha, nervous Mom! He could have cared less!!


  6. on April 4, 2011 at 9:29 pmadmin Said:

    Keep up the good Work Gunner! We love to share these kind of recovery stories. 🙂


  7. on September 21, 2011 at 9:52 pmFred M. Said:

    “Gunner settled in and made himself at Home!”

    That’s good to know. I hope he managed to recover fully.


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